2024 Ningbo International Lighting Exhibition


The CNLL (Ningbo International Lighting Exhibition) is jointly organized by the Ningbo Electronic Industry Association and the Ningbo Semiconductor Lighting Industry-University-Research Technology Innovation Strategic Alliance, who are committed together to create a specialized, market-oriented, international, and branded lighting exhibition.


The Ningbo International Lighting Exhibition is rooted in the Ningbo lighting industry production and trade cluster with the concept of ”Ten Cities, Ten Thousand Lights”. It focuses on domestic sales as the main driver while combining domestic and international sales to enhance communication and cooperation at home and abroad.

This in turn promotes the overall development of the lighting industry in China. Through the diligent efforts and accumulation of the organizing committee, the goal of making the Ningbo International Lighting Exhibition a world-class trading platform is gradually becoming a reality.



Introducing the “2024 Ningbo International Lighting Exhibition”

The exhibition will feature a wide range of products, including outdoor lighting, lamps and decorative lighting, urban lighting, LED lighting, LED manufacturing and testing equipment, LED packaging, energy-saving lamps, electric light sources, professional lighting and supporting equipment, lighting appliance components, spare parts, and specialized materials for lighting appliances.


In conclusion, the “2024 Ningbo International Lighting Exhibition” promises to be a remarkable event that will bring together industry leaders, showcase cutting-edge products, and foster collaboration and innovation in the lighting industry.



Post time: Sep-15-2023